Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wake Up.

Yes ..Wake up.. This is a direct plea to Congress and The President of the Untied States...

In an age where unemployment is "good" If it is below 10 percent..Where it is awesome to have gas at 3.35 a gallon... Where is the money  supposed to come from? How dare you debate and stall  bills that could help millions of Americans who  are desperate for ANY help!!

Take a good look around.I am sure You, And many others you know are in the same position.. Should I fill the gas tank up,Or  get a few extra groceries? Meanwhile we have congressmen  who are more then likely taking kickbacks to stop laws that could actually help people!!!

I understand this practice has been around forever.. But the last 3 years have been some of the worst years of economic  turmoil  ever seen without a depression ..

Let me ask you this Congress, President Obama. Do you ever have to do without anything? Ever have to put off medical visits, Eye exams,Or  maybe buying a car or house?  Of course you have never had this.. You all are over privileged,Over paid,Over Kicked Back to ever worry about normal problems!!!

Instead  of fighting how much money you can make off "Concerned Citzens",How about  LISTENING to the working class!!  Stop thinking YOU know all the fucking answers... You don't!!

I applaud the people who actually get out of bed in the morning, And go to work.. Not using the"There are no jobs out there" card... McDonalds is always hiring.Trust me there are jobs out there.. Just because you used to make $35,000 a year  does not mean you will soon,Or ever again..

 I personally know friends who must decide on buying gas to get back and forth to work, Over buying  food for themselves .. And that is not the way our America used to be!!!  Tax the rich assholes who pay LESS then most working people..Enforce tax codes.. Do whatever you have to do..But Please stop this mess!!

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