Saturday, November 23, 2013

Random Ramblings Nov 2013

Welcome back loyal 3 readers!!! I can not believe it has been so long since I have done a post on anything other then NFL picks(Well other then week 10)..But let's get to what's been on my mind last few weeks..
OK..It's not what grinds my gears..But fuck off..It's my blog damnit!!

Christmas in October?

We kid around with Jeff,Who famously said 1 time.. Isn't the first Thursday in December Christmas? Well if all the assholes out there  who make the birth of our Savior a way to make money had their way, Christmas would be almost year round!

It's not bad enough we get almost non stop Christmas music from Thanksgiving day on.. No, Now we get it from HALLOWEEN!!!! What kind of special asshole must you be to hear Grandma got run over by a reindeer before the last week in November?There is a local station  now playing music from the"Holidays" round the clock until Christmas.. My question is why? It can't be to get listeners.. Your station pretty much sucked anyways(Light FM...Barf!!!)I  am not sure if I am the only 1 who does this, But if I hear "Holiday" music  in a store,And it's even a day before Thanksgiving.... I am gone!! All this does is gives the store a free alternative to actually playing real music!

Wake me up Jan 2,2014 please!!!
What's up with Nascar on the highways?

Most of you know I drive for a living.. And that means being on the highway a lot! This gives me plenty of time to watch the morons of the highway!

I was always taught,If you are in the slow lane, This means you are going at a slower speed then the traffic in the left lane. But I have noticed more and more that it  seems  like assholes have to race each other down the Interstate highways of the Tri State area..
 Last night I was on I-66 Heading to Bristow, Trying to get over to the slow lane(Because some fuck tard is literally 6 inches off my bumper)As I am trying to get over,Mario Andretti Jr is racing up to close up the open space ..What happened to people actually being considerate to others as you drove? I guess it's the same thing that has happened to almost everyone  over the last few years.. In such a hurry to get home and punch their wives or kick their dogs!

Slow down  fuck face!
Another thing about the Holidays.

Walmart decided to beat everyone to the punch this year,And start "Black Friday" sales at 6PM on Thanksgiving night....Which just has everyone else opening the stores MANY hours before Black Friday actually begins.. This all started with Kmart and Big Lots opening up on Thanksgiving day.. When does it stop? Are we getting to the point where stores just stay open? Why not just make Thanksgiving a normal day..Have mail delivered, Banks open.. And anyone who shops on Black Friday should have their fucking heads examined!!What possesses someone to get up at 3AM to get a fucking toaster for 5 bucks??

And before you say"But Mike, There are great deals"Remember this,,Unless you are an absentee parent,Unemployed, Or have nothing else to do in your life..You have to almost camp out to get all these
"Huge" deals.Unless they were giving out something free to the first 1000 people.. I wouldn't be caught dead near a Walmart from Next Thursday until mid December!
Sure hope they don't run out of Don't tickle me that way Elmos before You get there!!

This is a good read from The Boss himself, On his blog

I know I for one still miss Teddy! There are times when I go to make the patented "Teddy Voice"And I have to stop myself.. Things I will always remember about him are Sundays watching football with Shawn,And Teddy jumping up on the couch..And laying beside me watching football...Plus when we would enjoy in game snacks,Teddy could figure  it all out(Even in his later years,With failing eyesight)Pizza crust was 1 of his favorites lol..
The fact that Teddy never really barked.. Unless A)He had to go out.OK..Maybe that was about the only time he did lol.. Anyone who ever saw Teddy(And some who never even saw him) Were fans from the moment his name was mentioned.. Later in Teddy's life, The Teddy voice became.. shall we say "mature"  when "someone"(Not saying who that would be lol) Would ask Teddy how he was.. Then proceed into a 15 minute monologue on how he was getting old, His displeasure of things at the time...Plus I am pretty sure he hated the paint mixer lol..

Rest well dear friend.. You'll always be remembered, And will always love and miss you!!!

Well there you have ....Wait.. This isn't NFL Pickems? Oh fuck.. I am on the wrong blog!!!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Thanks for the kind words,Bob,
They are appreciated...

NFL Pick Ems 9-12-2021

 It's finally that time!!!!  the 2021 season is finally here!! Before we start, Last year a familiar face to the loyal 3 readers decided...