Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Traveling

Anyone who reads this blog probably knows i am unemployed at the moment,And the ever rising gas prices make the job searching even more difficult.If anyone has had to the whole job search thing will agree with,You are doing ALOT of driving.I was sitting here tonight,After writing my earlier post,When i decided to go over roughly how much i have spent on gas since i was fired in March.I am shocked to say it is Way over 200 dollars (And counting)So that is around 100 dollars a month,And i am not even driving as much as i used to!Granted i have made 1 trip to Harrisburg,And maybe 2 trips to see the Keys,But if i had been working i am sure i would have made a few more then that.So last night i was over at My friend Shawn's house,And myself,Shawn,And his lovely wife Cherie.We started talking about a trip we have planned for next week,The talk then turned to all the reports saying how travel is going to be cut back this holiday weekend.Everyone has been saying gas prices will not hit $4.00 a gallon till after the holiday,Wrong answer.Going to the store this afternoon, I saw gas at $3.90 a gallon,This is up over 10 cents since last night!No matter what happens, The Oil companies will get their fat ass pockets lined with the cash of HARD working people(And those who aren't working)All i can hope for is whoever gets elected in November,Can turn this clusterfuck around!How is it we had oil at $42.00 a barrel in Nov 2004,And now it closed at $137.50?Oh that's right,We had to go to war against a country that did nothing but have oil.It's a goddamn shame that this country has been screwed up by a bunch of republicans with the agenda to make as much money as they can before they leave office. But it's not just oil,Housing prices are at their lowest in decades..I could go on and on, But i would be writing all night..Rising gas costs crimping budgets - Oil & energy-,Why gas prices have gone from 90 cents to $4 a gallon. - May. 20, 2008(Photo credit )


Anonymous said...

It's a variety of things, all of which can be laid directly on the doorstep of the Bush White House. The War in Iraq increased global instability. Commodity markets, like the oil market, hate instability, and that causes prices to rise because there's more risk in the investment.

The Bush administration has failed to increase the average fuel mileage standards. The reality is that the fuel mileage standards can, and should, be an average of 35 miles per gallon. (A small one liter four cylinder car is capable of getting 80 miles to the gallon if it's configured right. There si really no reason for anybody to be driving a v-8 in anything anymore.

The Bush administration has also spectacularly failed in its dealings with Iran and Venezuela. The result is shorter supplies because foreign governments threatened by the United States are not inclined to help the US out.

Worse, Bush's spectacular failures when it comes to financial policy have caused rapid inflation. Bush has his minions at the census bureau claim that there is no inflation--but they exclude food and gas. The price of food--see what a gallon of milk costs--has went up dramatically, in part because of increased fuel costs and in part because Bush has switched the nation to 10% ethanol in all gas. Ethanol in the US is made by corn; corn is ate by cows. If it's more expensive to feed the cattle, it's more expensive to buy the milk. If it's more expensive to feed the person, it's more expensive to staff the store where an item is sold, which means it's more expensive to buy an item.

The prospect of a war with Iran (embodied by John McCain's candidacy for President) only adds fuel to the fire--pun intended.

I encourage anybody concerned about gas prices to read the energy plans of Barack Obama, the Democratic Nominee for President. Obama's plan calls for varying the methods we use for energy by using hyrdopower (water), nuclear power, clean coal, wind, hybrid cars, ethanol, and hydrogen. Because there's a fixed supply of oil, it's only through creating alternatives to oil that we can reduce energy costs, stomp out inflation, and set the country back on a better course. Until then, I think the best solution is buying a very fuel efficient vehicle. My next vehicle purchase will be a Kawaski 250 motorcycle, which gets 84 miles to the gallon.

Mike said...

I totally agree with everything you said Mike.How many years ago were we talking about the v8's being done away with,What happened there?I'm sure George Bush and his buddies got paid very well for brushing fuel mileage standards under the rug!

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