Well I finished the 1 post I wanted to get done today,But still had a few things on my mind.
I was talking to my friend Sam,And she was telling me about some loser calling her,He wanted to leave his wife,And move in with her.Not to get into too much of the back story,But she is just friends with this moron,But yet he wants to move his kids,And his stuff into her place.Now I don't know about you, But that take some very HUGE balls!Thankfully she told him I don't think so scooter!!!
The point I have? Is this what has become dating now?I again would like to clarify,They are just friends... But when 1 person thinks there is more then there is,How do you talk them off the ledge?Sorry you dumb ass sorry MOFO.. But I do not want anything to remotely do with a relationship with you!!!! Think they would get the hint?I sure hope so.
I'm sure most of us have had at least 1 person we've wanted to be with,But things didn't go the way you wanted.That's fine, Just move on and live your life..
Then there was another friend..who had received a text from a guy they were talking to..Hey I want to come over and f#$%,And maybe you can S#$% ..Really?? I have a question...
How the fuck am I still single? I mean come on,If this kind of shit that guys are using now,I should be freaking married by now!!!
Which leads me to yet another rant....
I'm sure some,Maybe most have you have looked at Internet dating sites.Nothing wrong with them,OK,Maybe there is.And it's not the sites fault,It's the brainless twits that put a picture of them on the site that is at least 10 years old,Or using a picture that has no place to see the light of day!If this is what you are using to "sell yourself"to the dating public,It's a small wonder you have had any interest!
Now this is a great dating profile
Hell I kinda like that..Plus she's a redhead,So she has that going for her!
I'm sure we all have dating horror stories,I know I drove almost 4 hours 1 time to meet someone,And they turned out to be the Bride of Frankenstien!!Just remember that not every person you will meet will be able to body slam you,And maybe your car.
Just remember,The older you get,The more dating seems to change.And the reality is,It's not the dating scene that's changed(OK,maybe alittle)But it's your idea of what a good time is..
For the ladies that read this,A key to any guys heart is that you enjoy sports!Football is a very sure way to catch a guy's attention,But if you like baseball,Hockey you have sweetened the pot.
A sense of humor is a MUST.Nothing makes a date,Or dates go south faster then a person who does not get a simple joke(hey look that guy fell down ha ha ha).
Guys,At least put on a clean shirt for gods sakes! Or for our readers in West Virginia,And points south,A tank top or nascar shirt is not what you would call "formal attire"
And I know in these times it's hard to find a job,So maybe put off dating until you get a job,I understand that we all would love to be with someone,But if you can't afford to pay rent,Last thing you need is to buy your date a double cheeseburger.
1 Last word of advice..Have a car,How many women are going to date a guy who rides a bike?And i don't mean Harley!
Meet the team is not this Saturday in Frederick
Well that sucks.. I was going to post about that tonight.. thanks for the tip!
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